Thursday, March 24, 2016

Triathlete ... to be or not to be... That is the question

I mentioned in my last post that, that i will be doing a Triathlon sprint this summer. I can't say where the total inception came from  for doing this... how ever I was urged on by my friend, not so much to do the triathlon.. but to be more active in general, maybe a bike race or a running race... But NOOOO...... triathlon is the way to do it...   Atleast that is what my brain says at this time in my life.

Complete the imaginable ! Yup.. its amazing a person like myself, who suffers through depression, anxiety, how i can still manage to pick up and complete the impossible.. well hope to complete the impossible ...

So, where do you start.. well you can be stupid like me and just go out and start doing all the things in fast motion... and then end up having IT band problems with your leg... like i do ! However this is nothing new... . and very typical of my personality. Full on... or Full off.

Yay... don't recommend that... so  I started a running program a couple weeks ago,  Pretty simple, run and walk, alternate between 1 and 2 minutes.    Now up to 30 mins of alternating.. not going a very fast pace, but that's ok, slow and steady completes the race. The only thing that is really missing, is the lack of energy that my dog has... he would run along side with me... and now.. well at at 15 years old... he runs for the first km, and then he's done.. .and when we are finished, he starting heading back to the house... sometimes even before i am done...

  Its been almost 10 years since i seriously ran a race. I kept thinking ah.. that was 5 years ago.. until I looked it up.. and realized ,,, well nope it is actually 10 years... and things are not like they were 10 years ago.. many factors, weight, age... motivation is still there... but sometimes when it is raining out there.... i don't feel like going !

As my friend Keith says..... it doesn't matter if the weather is crappy, or don't feel like doing it.. you just have to do it !

So I just keep my tag line in my head...  #KickmybuttK

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Where the time has gone, and the new road i am travelling ...

Its been almost a year since I have update my blog. So many things have happened in my life, that i guess it time to bring you up to speed.

Last year, i started a new job, doing something that actually like, and working with the best company and people i could ever find. What a blessing ...

Last summer, i received a kayak, i spent quite a few days in the summer out on it, and really enjoyed it, but my physical health was not there. In 1 year, i have managed to drop 25 pounds and I am on a new path of recovery.

Lucky for me, i have always been surrounded with fun and caring friends, but unfortunately my friends were more enablers when it comes to food. Food is dangerous for a person like me, it has lead to deep episodes of depression, Severe over weight, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

However I lucked out when one friend of mine, has pushed me enough to keep going. Finding the right food to eat, making the comments when i shouldn't eat that, and basically keep track of what heck i am doing.  It was the kick in the butt that I needed. I no longer have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Depression comes and goes, but less and less these days. and my weight, well that is coming down.

January 2016, I started to cross country ski. I have always wanted to learn, i did once while i was a kid and in 2014, the same friend took me out and gave me a quick lesson. I wasn't totally hooked as I am now. but buy a pair of half decent skis and it gives you incentive to get out there.

Only 7 weeks in, and I am afraid the season is running out. However each week I physically can do more then before.

A typical Norwegian is born on skis, well unfortunately  I wasn't, however i am glad to embrace my heritage.

To set the bar high, I have embarked on training for a triathlon sprint.   That's right, gone from being totally inactive to working up to do this next step.

Stay tuned for more progress !
Canadian Nordic Girl